At least 14 people were killed and 13 others were injured Sunday in a suicide attack blamed on Daesh, a police officer told Anadolu Agency.
۲۷۳ مطلب در تیر ۱۳۹۶ ثبت شده است
به رغم تنش اخیر در روابط قطر با کشورهای عربی حاشیه خلیج فارس از جمله مصر، هیاتی از دوحه در نشستهای پارلمان عربی در قاهره شرکت میکند.
رئیسجمهور فرانسه در جریان سفر به کشور مالی از تداوم مشارکت فرانسه در این کشور تا زمان مقتضی خبر داد.
رئیسجمهور کره جنوبی در دیدار با رئیسجمهور سابق آمریکا تاکید کرد: برای بازگشت کره شمالی به گفتوگو یک فرصت دیگر وجود دارد.
The Syrian Central Bank has released the war-ravaged country's largest currency note yet, featuring the face of President Bashar al-Assad for the first time.
German police say they believe that 18 people died in a Bavarian bus accident after the bus rammed into a truck and burst into flames.
Cyber security is one of the key areas of cooperation to be discussed with Narendra Modi, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said ahead of his Indian counterpart’s visit to Israel.
A 12-member Palestinian delegation from the Hamas-run government in the Gaza Strip yesterday travelled through the Rafah crossing to Cairo to discuss mutual relations with Egyptian officials, Quds Press reported.
Protesters plan to take advantage of the decision to hold this week’s G20 summit in a crowded inner-city area of Hamburg and copy police crowd control tactics to “kettle Trump, Putin and Erdoğan”.
US President Donald Trump is set to visit the United Kingdom in the next fortnight as part of a European trip that will include the G20 summit in Hamburg and the Bastille Day celebrations in France.